# 出先で使うサイト更新用のメモ欄。コメントは不可。

# mezzo.jp english version

paintbbs は SPAM 防止のため、http:// は禁止ワードで。

# e_intro.html

txt = new Array();
txt[0] = ‘ ‘;
txt[1] = ‘Back to the top’; // top
txt[2] = ‘This page
Notice of the update infomation’; // introduction
txt[3] = ‘Profile of "mezzo forte"
and this site’; // about mezzo
txt[4] = ‘Under construction…’; // graphics
txt[5] = ‘paint board’; // paintbbs
txt[6] = ‘mail to mezzo forte’; // mail

# e_profile.html
Hi, I’m mezzo forte. How do you do for first visitor. Long time no see for old friends:P
The forerunner of this site is “C Flat Capriccioso” made in 1998, when most Japanese has been connecting internet by modem, beep, beep. There has not been the completed software for web design in Japan these days. Many people has programmed HTML on text editors directly (uh, mezzo is doing it, yet). Time goes by, this site was growing to over 150 pages, contained English pages. The visitors was over 20,000. And I was happy to have many friends world wide.
But I was getting to lose the motivation for my web site in hard days. At last it was neglected to update cos’ I was so busy on business in 2001.


投稿者 mezzo forte